Rasmus Munkner
Actor - born 1984

Rasmus har siden 12-års alderen vidst, at han ville være skuespiller. Har medvirket i en del kortfilm og i øvrigt været aktiv inden for al form for skuespil og formidling på film, teater m.m.

Rasmus arbejder også meget kropsligt i sine roller og har gennem årene oparbejdet en knivskarp forståelse for at gå helt ind i en karakter.

Både fysisk og mentalt.
Senest medvirket i ”Kamille’s Garden”, ”You Nomi Tina”, ”The Last Padawan 2”, ”Jagten på mig selv”, m.m.
Sprog: Dansk, engelsk, lidt tysk og lidt norsk.

Rasmus has known since the age of 12 that he wanted to be an actor. Has participated in a number of short films and has also been active in all forms of acting and communication in film, theater etc. Rasmus also works very physically in his roles and, over the years, has built up a razor-sharp understanding of how to get completely into a character. Both physically and mentally.

Most recently starred in “Kamille’s Garden”, “You Nomi Tina”, “The Last Padawan 2”, “The Hunt for Myself”, etc.

Languages: Danish, English, a little German and a little Norwegian.

Danish showreel: 


English showreel:


Monologue: https://youtu.be/HooQcLqWxMQ?si=ze9QoBqd4uTCrkIX